In early November two members of Pathfinder Ireland took part in Operation 'Adriatic Friendship' in Italy and qualified for their Italian jump wings.
The event was organised by the EPA (
European Paratroopers Association) and over 30 jumpers attended from 8 different Countries - Italy, Croatia, Germany, Portugal, Canada, Ireland, USA and United Kingdom.
From Friday to Sunday morning 64 SL jumps and 12 FF jumps were completed. The jumpers qualified for the Italian Wings with other jumpers also being awarded the Croatian, US Army and European Wings.
As well as our Folgore jumpmaster there were also jumpmasters from Croatia and the U.S. The DZ was virtually obstacle free and the SET10s used on the drops proved to be very responsive.
This was an extremely well run jump event and our comrades from the
Folgore Para Brigade extended to us the highest level of hospitality and friendship.
We would particularly like to thank Giulio and Renzo of the EPA Staff for everything they did for us, we look forward to seeing you again on the DZ in 2009.